In view of the World Press Freedom day GoGo News Agency endorses its Ethics Code and held a MOU signing ceremony.
MOU was signed by G.Gantuya,CEO of GoGo News Agency and U.Tamiraa, Deputy Director of the Press Council Board of Directors.
The ceremony was attended by the employees of the GoGo News Agency and Ts.Chimeddondog, Member of Newspaper, Magazines and Websites Ethics Board of the Press Council and O.Ariunbileg, Editor-in-Chief of GoGo News Agency.
GoGo News Agency CEO G.Gantuya:
-What is the reason for to endorse its ethics code?
-It has been 8 years since the establishment of the website. During this time we have been keen on delivering trusted sources of information in a timely, unbiased and ethical manner. Therefore, it was an inevitable act for us to endorse our Ethics Code and state it to our readers, viewers and the audience. It is the start for our news agency and we will work on improving and developing the idea further.
Deputy Director of the Press Council Board of Directors U.Tamiraa:
-Your thoughts on endorsement of the Ethics Code by the GoGo News Agency?
-It hasn't been long since the Press Council has approved the Press Ethics Code. Our next step was to disseminate the Ethics Code throughout the press and media agencies in Mongolia. I really appreciate the act of GoGo News Agency on being sensitive and being a pioneer in disseminating the Ethics Code among the press and media entities in Mongolia. Having an ethics code is one criteria of reliable, unbiased and healthy media.
-Ethics Code in press sector can be perceived differently by the journalists and the audience. Could you please explain what advancements we can experience with the endorsement of the ethics?
-In simple words readers and viewers are enabled to receive unbiased and trusted information. For journalists this will be the tool to be used to avoid any potential mistake that might lead to a trial.
We are delivering Ethics Code of GoGo News Agency.
We declare to conduct our activities in correspondence with the main principles of journalism and reporting of the factual information respecting the interests of the public and adhere to the professional standards and ethics code of the website.
Ethics Code |
Guidelines |
1. Protect the rights of the citizens to receive trusted information through careful examination of the source. |
1.1 Refuse to publish any news with no proper investigation and examination on the source of the information to the public. 1.2 Name the source of the news. 1.3 Deliver the information without distorting the news structure and content through the misuse linguistic and technical tools. 1.4 Ensure the same rights of expression to all the involved sources of the infromation. |
2. Ensure the public freedom to express their views, criticize and provide explanations. |
2.1 Refuse to edit and monitor any information serving the public rights by the parties having conflict of interest. 2.2 Timely Adjustment to any information we are liable for in case the sources have confirmed the misleading informaiton, slander or negative impact on an individual. |
3. Fair collection of the information and respectful approach to the source. |
3.1 Site journalist is to openly introduce to the source and have an unbiased approach. 3.2 In case of obstacles posed at approaching sources of information serving the interests of the public our news agency enables the journalists to do anonimous investigation using surveilance tools and means. 3.3 Protect the rights of the sources by not naming the source in any case. |
4. Journalist should be independent when conducting duties. |
4.1 Be separate from any act of corruption, altering the source, content, use of the information to serve for personal interest. 4.2 Always define the opinion and facts and deliver in approapriate format. 4.3 Paid and requested information should be labeled as such. |
5. No discriminaiton based upon race, opinion, nationality, religious views, class, cast and living environment. |
5.1 Respect the lifestyle of an individual with less significance to the information, such as victim of a crime, suspect of a crime should be informed anonimously by blurring the image in a photo and video content and publish only with the consent of the responsible persons. 5.2 Respect any life event of an individual and be highly professional and sensitive when photographing and taking videos. |
6. We view the breach of the copyright and plaigarism as unethical act an strongly forbid any such act in our activities. |
6.1 Respect the fellow professionals and endorse fair competition. 6.2 Fully cite the works of fellow journalists in case of using their sources and information. |
7. Every employee and journalist under GoGo News Agency should adhere and respect the Ethics Code. |
May 1, 2015
In view of the World Press Freedom day GoGo News Agency endorses its Ethics Code and held a MOU signing ceremony.
MOU was signed by G.Gantuya,CEO of GoGo News Agency and U.Tamiraa, Deputy Director of the Press Council Board of Directors.
The ceremony was attended by the employees of the GoGo News Agency and Ts.Chimeddondog, Member of Newspaper, Magazines and Websites Ethics Board of the Press Council and O.Ariunbileg, Editor-in-Chief of GoGo News Agency.
GoGo News Agency CEO G.Gantuya:
-What is the reason for to endorse its ethics code?
-It has been 8 years since the establishment of the website. During this time we have been keen on delivering trusted sources of information in a timely, unbiased and ethical manner. Therefore, it was an inevitable act for us to endorse our Ethics Code and state it to our readers, viewers and the audience. It is the start for our news agency and we will work on improving and developing the idea further.
Deputy Director of the Press Council Board of Directors U.Tamiraa:
-Your thoughts on endorsement of the Ethics Code by the GoGo News Agency?
-It hasn't been long since the Press Council has approved the Press Ethics Code. Our next step was to disseminate the Ethics Code throughout the press and media agencies in Mongolia. I really appreciate the act of GoGo News Agency on being sensitive and being a pioneer in disseminating the Ethics Code among the press and media entities in Mongolia. Having an ethics code is one criteria of reliable, unbiased and healthy media.
-Ethics Code in press sector can be perceived differently by the journalists and the audience. Could you please explain what advancements we can experience with the endorsement of the ethics?
-In simple words readers and viewers are enabled to receive unbiased and trusted information. For journalists this will be the tool to be used to avoid any potential mistake that might lead to a trial.
We are delivering Ethics Code of GoGo News Agency.
We declare to conduct our activities in correspondence with the main principles of journalism and reporting of the factual information respecting the interests of the public and adhere to the professional standards and ethics code of the website.
Ethics Code |
Guidelines |
1. Protect the rights of the citizens to receive trusted information through careful examination of the source. |
1.1 Refuse to publish any news with no proper investigation and examination on the source of the information to the public. 1.2 Name the source of the news. 1.3 Deliver the information without distorting the news structure and content through the misuse linguistic and technical tools. 1.4 Ensure the same rights of expression to all the involved sources of the infromation. |
2. Ensure the public freedom to express their views, criticize and provide explanations. |
2.1 Refuse to edit and monitor any information serving the public rights by the parties having conflict of interest. 2.2 Timely Adjustment to any information we are liable for in case the sources have confirmed the misleading informaiton, slander or negative impact on an individual. |
3. Fair collection of the information and respectful approach to the source. |
3.1 Site journalist is to openly introduce to the source and have an unbiased approach. 3.2 In case of obstacles posed at approaching sources of information serving the interests of the public our news agency enables the journalists to do anonimous investigation using surveilance tools and means. 3.3 Protect the rights of the sources by not naming the source in any case. |
4. Journalist should be independent when conducting duties. |
4.1 Be separate from any act of corruption, altering the source, content, use of the information to serve for personal interest. 4.2 Always define the opinion and facts and deliver in approapriate format. 4.3 Paid and requested information should be labeled as such. |
5. No discriminaiton based upon race, opinion, nationality, religious views, class, cast and living environment. |
5.1 Respect the lifestyle of an individual with less significance to the information, such as victim of a crime, suspect of a crime should be informed anonimously by blurring the image in a photo and video content and publish only with the consent of the responsible persons. 5.2 Respect any life event of an individual and be highly professional and sensitive when photographing and taking videos. |
6. We view the breach of the copyright and plaigarism as unethical act an strongly forbid any such act in our activities. |
6.1 Respect the fellow professionals and endorse fair competition. 6.2 Fully cite the works of fellow journalists in case of using their sources and information. |
7. Every employee and journalist under GoGo News Agency should adhere and respect the Ethics Code. |
May 1, 2015