Long term USD Govt Bond rates are on decline

Long term USD Govt Bond rates are on decline

Long term government bonds which were at highest in May 2015 on international markets are on decline as of August.

The rates were comparatively stable during June and the decline started by July reaching almost 7 percent. 10 year bonds to mature in 2022 has seen a decline very close to its historic lows in August. By the end of August the rates has been highly volatile and the trend is on rise.

The rates of government bond to mature in 2018 has seen a decline of 5 percent, while last week the trends have taken direction up and the rates have increased by around 2 percent. The rates of the government bonds being traded on the international market reflects the investor interest and attitude towards the country.

The economic slowdown and decline in the incoming investments into Mongolian market is being reflected on the Chinggis Bond rates on intermational markets. This trend of 2015 is not only evident in Mongolia, but affects other emerging markets with reliance on mineral resources as well.

The ease of the yuan rates by the Chinese Central Bank has affected in volatility of other currencies on international market. Moreover the decline has been seen on commodities market and capital markets during the month of August.

Long term government bonds which were at highest in May 2015 on international markets are on decline as of August.

The rates were comparatively stable during June and the decline started by July reaching almost 7 percent. 10 year bonds to mature in 2022 has seen a decline very close to its historic lows in August. By the end of August the rates has been highly volatile and the trend is on rise.

The rates of government bond to mature in 2018 has seen a decline of 5 percent, while last week the trends have taken direction up and the rates have increased by around 2 percent. The rates of the government bonds being traded on the international market reflects the investor interest and attitude towards the country.

The economic slowdown and decline in the incoming investments into Mongolian market is being reflected on the Chinggis Bond rates on intermational markets. This trend of 2015 is not only evident in Mongolia, but affects other emerging markets with reliance on mineral resources as well.

The ease of the yuan rates by the Chinese Central Bank has affected in volatility of other currencies on international market. Moreover the decline has been seen on commodities market and capital markets during the month of August.


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