Do you like photography? If so, I advise you to visit at joint photography exhibition dedicated to 5th anniversary of "Tusgal" Photography Group.
"Tusgal" Photography Group was established in 2010 and has 55 members today.
The exhibition shows all types of photographs taken by its members is being displayed at the The Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar during Sep 12-18 for free entry.

Do you like photography? If so, I advise you to visit at joint photography exhibition dedicated to 5th anniversary of "Tusgal" Photography Group.
"Tusgal" Photography Group was established in 2010 and has 55 members today.
The exhibition shows all types of photographs taken by its members is being displayed at the The Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar during Sep 12-18 for free entry.

We have interviewed one of the members of "Tusgal" Photography Group, photographer D.Uchral.
-How to join your club?
-Our club organizes number of events named "Let`s develop together" with the aim to share our knowledge and experiences with each other. People who attended these types of three events are enabled to become a member of our club.
By joining our club, you are offered to ask professional advice on photography, organize and attend events as well as learn new experiences.
-Where can people find the information of such events?
-Information of such events is published on our Facebook group and our Facebook page.
-What is the specialty of this exhibition?
-This exhibition will be open to the public until 6 PM, Sep 18 and in the further, we plan to show this exhibition in simple and public areas such as Mountain Bogd.
Moreover, the theme for this year’s exhibition is "Life is Travel". Majority of our 55 members mostly take nature photography. Therefore, we created travel corner which consists of tent, travel chair and pot in the middle of the hall to get people feel like traveling. Moreover, we put various installations in front of several photos in order to deliver more realistic experience of photos to viewers. For instance; we put milk and dairy products in front of photograph with milk.
-Thank you.
Interestingly, the club will organize its annual "Unforgettable Autumn" photograph and travel event jointly with "Mongolian Flickers" NGO for fourth year in September. You do not have to be member of the club in order to join this event. So do not miss this opportunity.
In addition, visitors are able to buy photographs which they liked the most and visitors are tasting airag (mare`s milk) for free at the travel corner.
Finally, besides visiting at the exhibition you are able to visit at the Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar which allows you to 'kill two birds with one stone'.
Location of Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar: Juulchin Street – 38, Barilgachdiin Talbai (5min walk from the Sukhbaatar/Genghis Square), Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar.
Ticket price for the museum: 5000 MNT adult, 2000 MNT (students), 1600 MNT (children). Photo permit: 20000 MNT and video permit costs 25000 MNT.

We have interviewed one of the members of "Tusgal" Photography Group, photographer D.Uchral.
-How to join your club?
-Our club organizes number of events named "Let`s develop together" with the aim to share our knowledge and experiences with each other. People who attended these types of three events are enabled to become a member of our club.
By joining our club, you are offered to ask professional advice on photography, organize and attend events as well as learn new experiences.
-Where can people find the information of such events?
-Information of such events is published on our Facebook group and our Facebook page.
-What is the specialty of this exhibition?
-This exhibition will be open to the public until 6 PM, Sep 18 and in the further, we plan to show this exhibition in simple and public areas such as Mountain Bogd.
Moreover, the theme for this year’s exhibition is "Life is Travel". Majority of our 55 members mostly take nature photography. Therefore, we created travel corner which consists of tent, travel chair and pot in the middle of the hall to get people feel like traveling. Moreover, we put various installations in front of several photos in order to deliver more realistic experience of photos to viewers. For instance; we put milk and dairy products in front of photograph with milk.
-Thank you.
Interestingly, the club will organize its annual "Unforgettable Autumn" photograph and travel event jointly with "Mongolian Flickers" NGO for fourth year in September. You do not have to be member of the club in order to join this event. So do not miss this opportunity.
In addition, visitors are able to buy photographs which they liked the most and visitors are tasting airag (mare`s milk) for free at the travel corner.
Finally, besides visiting at the exhibition you are able to visit at the Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar which allows you to 'kill two birds with one stone'.
Location of Fine Arts Museum of Zanabazar: Juulchin Street – 38, Barilgachdiin Talbai (5min walk from the Sukhbaatar/Genghis Square), Chingeltei District, Ulaanbaatar.
Ticket price for the museum: 5000 MNT adult, 2000 MNT (students), 1600 MNT (children). Photo permit: 20000 MNT and video permit costs 25000 MNT.