21 provinces linked with capital city through pavement by 2017

21 provinces linked with capital city through pavement by 2017

Construction of asphalt roads which link western provinces with capital city resumes these days. For instance, construction planning of 126,7 km long road which leads from Buutsagaan soum, Bayankhongor to Altai region has been completed and ground works are underway.

Also, ground works prior to road construction of Altai to Darvi route are near to finish and soil exposing and compaction works, and dam construction continue. Despite cooperation agreement regarding 135.4 km long road of Uvs province, Songino soum - Hyrgas lake route not established yet between investor and constructor sides, its preparation works of including construction of concrete bridge, water conduit and soil exposure and compaction are already underway, informed Ministry of Industry.

Although Bohema LLC was expected and lagged to invest in the road construction, Xinjian Xinfa LLC from China currently manages construction thanks to its own investment. However, construction works are underway within planned schedule.

The road of Songino soum - Hyargas route is considered as crucial infratsructure in the region and its completion enables unhindered travel from Uvs province to Zavkhan province and Ulaanbaatar city.

Then, the project aims to link all 21 provinces with capital city by 2017, pointed out Ministry of Industry.

Construction of asphalt roads which link western provinces with capital city resumes these days. For instance, construction planning of 126,7 km long road which leads from Buutsagaan soum, Bayankhongor to Altai region has been completed and ground works are underway.

Also, ground works prior to road construction of Altai to Darvi route are near to finish and soil exposing and compaction works, and dam construction continue. Despite cooperation agreement regarding 135.4 km long road of Uvs province, Songino soum - Hyrgas lake route not established yet between investor and constructor sides, its preparation works of including construction of concrete bridge, water conduit and soil exposure and compaction are already underway, informed Ministry of Industry.

Although Bohema LLC was expected and lagged to invest in the road construction, Xinjian Xinfa LLC from China currently manages construction thanks to its own investment. However, construction works are underway within planned schedule.

The road of Songino soum - Hyargas route is considered as crucial infratsructure in the region and its completion enables unhindered travel from Uvs province to Zavkhan province and Ulaanbaatar city.

Then, the project aims to link all 21 provinces with capital city by 2017, pointed out Ministry of Industry.


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