Mongolia expects to receive MNT 7 trillion 431.8 billion loan in 2017. Of which MNT 723.1 billion will be project loan and remaining loan will be funded by both domestic and foreign bonds. Next year, 111 projects has planned to be implemented by foreign loans and aids.
Of which 24 percent of the projects will be implemented in infrastructure sector. In other words, 49 percent of the foreign loan will be funded to infrastructure sector.
The Government of China and its affiliated organizations to grant the most of loans and the remaining amount of loans and aids will be provided by Japan, Asian Development Bank, World Bank and South Korea. However, 51 percent of loans, to be received from China will be granted by Exim bank, highlighted by Open society forum.
Mongolia expects to receive MNT 7 trillion 431.8 billion loan in 2017. Of which MNT 723.1 billion will be project loan and remaining loan will be funded by both domestic and foreign bonds. Next year, 111 projects has planned to be implemented by foreign loans and aids.
Of which 24 percent of the projects will be implemented in infrastructure sector. In other words, 49 percent of the foreign loan will be funded to infrastructure sector.
The Government of China and its affiliated organizations to grant the most of loans and the remaining amount of loans and aids will be provided by Japan, Asian Development Bank, World Bank and South Korea. However, 51 percent of loans, to be received from China will be granted by Exim bank, highlighted by Open society forum.