Rotary Club of Narlag Ulaanbaatar ("RCNUB"), Rotary Club of Kawasaki Minami, Japan and Mongolian Education Alliance has collaborated in implementation of a children humanitarian project in September 2016. As a result, series 1 and 2 of Maamuu comic book created in collaboration with Mongol Content LLC as well as comics, picture books and educational supplies from Japan. The donations were made to Kindergarten No. 12 of Khan-Uul District, Special Kindergarten No 186 and Special School No 29 of Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. At the same time, meeting with the educational facilities as well as training sessions were organised.
Kindergarten No 12, Khan-Uul District
The Kindergarten No 12 has 210 children in 5 classrooms. In order to accommodate the increasing number of children, 2 classrooms of children between ages 4 and 5 have been separated and ger classrooms (Mongolian traditional dwelling) are created. Books and educational supplies/tools are insufficient for the 210 children.
Mr. Kozo Yamanouchi, President of the Rotary Club of Kawasaki Minami, Rotary District 2590, Japan stated "We met with RCNUB last year and agreed to cooperate on a children's project. This visit is the first step of the collaboration. As proposed by RCNUB, we organized fundraising in Japan, was able to obtain the support from the Rotary Japan, thus leading to successful launch of the project".
One of the peculiarities of this kindergarten is they have 8 pupils with various disabilities and there is a volunteer teacher from Japan, Ms. Kimiko who assists the children with their socializing and trains the parents. Ms. Kimiko stated that "Children should be taught socializing before they enroll to schools. Upbringing of children 0-5 is essential. Socializing of impaired children is rather particular, thus I work to assist the families. Today our children were presented books, which are vital tool in developing of thinking skills".
Special needs school and kindergarten
Please refer to the video about the book project events at the Khan-Uul District, Special Kindergarten No 186 and Special School No 29 of Sukhbaatar District.
At the initiative of the RCNUB, the Japanese-language comics and picture books donated are being translated into Mongolian language by the Interact club of the Shine Mongol School. The translation is reviewed, in turn by Tsetsee Gun Rotaract Club and then used by the Kindergarten 186.
Other collaboration
The same project is joined by 7 other Rotary Clubs of Mongolia as well as Rotary Club of Worthington-Dublin, USA.
On 28 October 2016, RCNUB and Rotary Club of Nomt visited the Khumuun complex of schools and kindergarten in Tuv province, Mongolia. Maamuu comics were then donated to the kindergarten and elementary schools. A meeting was organized with the students of the high school to discuss about Interact clubs, the youngest arm (up to age of 18) of the Rotary International who also implement social projects.
As part of the collaboration, the Khumuun Complex School is to register their Interact club and correspond with Interact club of RC of Worthington-Dublin, USA in organizing of the book donation in the USA to be donated to schools and kindergartens in Mongolia.
Rotary Club of Narlag Ulaanbaatar ("RCNUB"), Rotary Club of Kawasaki Minami, Japan and Mongolian Education Alliance has collaborated in implementation of a children humanitarian project in September 2016. As a result, series 1 and 2 of Maamuu comic book created in collaboration with Mongol Content LLC as well as comics, picture books and educational supplies from Japan. The donations were made to Kindergarten No. 12 of Khan-Uul District, Special Kindergarten No 186 and Special School No 29 of Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. At the same time, meeting with the educational facilities as well as training sessions were organised.
Kindergarten No 12, Khan-Uul District
The Kindergarten No 12 has 210 children in 5 classrooms. In order to accommodate the increasing number of children, 2 classrooms of children between ages 4 and 5 have been separated and ger classrooms (Mongolian traditional dwelling) are created. Books and educational supplies/tools are insufficient for the 210 children.
Mr. Kozo Yamanouchi, President of the Rotary Club of Kawasaki Minami, Rotary District 2590, Japan stated "We met with RCNUB last year and agreed to cooperate on a children's project. This visit is the first step of the collaboration. As proposed by RCNUB, we organized fundraising in Japan, was able to obtain the support from the Rotary Japan, thus leading to successful launch of the project".
One of the peculiarities of this kindergarten is they have 8 pupils with various disabilities and there is a volunteer teacher from Japan, Ms. Kimiko who assists the children with their socializing and trains the parents. Ms. Kimiko stated that "Children should be taught socializing before they enroll to schools. Upbringing of children 0-5 is essential. Socializing of impaired children is rather particular, thus I work to assist the families. Today our children were presented books, which are vital tool in developing of thinking skills".
Special needs school and kindergarten
Please refer to the video about the book project events at the Khan-Uul District, Special Kindergarten No 186 and Special School No 29 of Sukhbaatar District.
At the initiative of the RCNUB, the Japanese-language comics and picture books donated are being translated into Mongolian language by the Interact club of the Shine Mongol School. The translation is reviewed, in turn by Tsetsee Gun Rotaract Club and then used by the Kindergarten 186.
Other collaboration
The same project is joined by 7 other Rotary Clubs of Mongolia as well as Rotary Club of Worthington-Dublin, USA.
On 28 October 2016, RCNUB and Rotary Club of Nomt visited the Khumuun complex of schools and kindergarten in Tuv province, Mongolia. Maamuu comics were then donated to the kindergarten and elementary schools. A meeting was organized with the students of the high school to discuss about Interact clubs, the youngest arm (up to age of 18) of the Rotary International who also implement social projects.
As part of the collaboration, the Khumuun Complex School is to register their Interact club and correspond with Interact club of RC of Worthington-Dublin, USA in organizing of the book donation in the USA to be donated to schools and kindergartens in Mongolia.