Increased clouds and little precipitation is expected in Ulaanbaatar city. Winds from E will reach 6-11 m/s and the temperature will be 9-11C today.
Increased clouds at the most regions. Precipitation is expected at the most parts of Central region, Northern parts of Gobi and Eastern regions. Winds from NW in Central region, NE in eastern region will reach 5-10 m/s while it will reach 14-16 m/s in Gobi region with strong dust storm.
Temperature at Darhad hollow, Hentii mountainous area, Tuul, Terel, Onon, Ulz and Halh river basins will reach 5-10C, 17-22C at Western region and 14-19C at Uvs lake, Inkh Nuuruud hollow and Ewastern parts of Gobi regions and 9-14C at other region.
Increased clouds and little precipitation is expected in Ulaanbaatar city. Winds from E will reach 6-11 m/s and the temperature will be 9-11C today.
Increased clouds at the most regions. Precipitation is expected at the most parts of Central region, Northern parts of Gobi and Eastern regions. Winds from NW in Central region, NE in eastern region will reach 5-10 m/s while it will reach 14-16 m/s in Gobi region with strong dust storm.
Temperature at Darhad hollow, Hentii mountainous area, Tuul, Terel, Onon, Ulz and Halh river basins will reach 5-10C, 17-22C at Western region and 14-19C at Uvs lake, Inkh Nuuruud hollow and Ewastern parts of Gobi regions and 9-14C at other region.