The Banker, an internationally renowned magazine that gauges developments and trends in the global banking and finance industry, has named Khan Bank the Bank of the Year Mongolia 2023. This marks the ninth consecutive year that Khan Bank has received this prestigious award. The award ceremony took place in London last Friday, where the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Daribum Tudev and the CEO of Khan Bank, Munkhtuya Rentsenbat, were presented with a trophy.
The Banker, a branch of the UK-based newspaper Financial Times, has been organizing the Bank of the Year Awards since 2000. Widely recognized as the most significant award in the banking industry, this year's awards featured banks from 130 countries, selected based on three factors: strategic initiatives, technology, and new products and services.
The awards ceremony was attended by more than 300 CEOs and leaders from the world's banks, forming a substantial gathering in the global financial industry following the annual meetings of the World Bank and IMF. Continuously growing since its establishment and guided by the motto "Growing Together", Khan Bank leads the industry with robust financial performance, pioneering digital transition and offering online loan packages, green loans, the regular improvement of products and services, and a strong sustainable development policy. The Banker emphasized that Khan Bank was honored this year in recognition of setting trends in the Mongolian banking industry.
Securing the most prestigious award in the international banking and finance sector is the result of the collective efforts and mutual trust of the entire Khan Bank team and all of the customers who trust in and cooperate with us. We extend our gratitude to all our dear customers and partners who have contributed to our shared success.
Growing Together - Khan Bank
The Banker, an internationally renowned magazine that gauges developments and trends in the global banking and finance industry, has named Khan Bank the Bank of the Year Mongolia 2023. This marks the ninth consecutive year that Khan Bank has received this prestigious award. The award ceremony took place in London last Friday, where the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Daribum Tudev and the CEO of Khan Bank, Munkhtuya Rentsenbat, were presented with a trophy.
The Banker, a branch of the UK-based newspaper Financial Times, has been organizing the Bank of the Year Awards since 2000. Widely recognized as the most significant award in the banking industry, this year's awards featured banks from 130 countries, selected based on three factors: strategic initiatives, technology, and new products and services.
The awards ceremony was attended by more than 300 CEOs and leaders from the world's banks, forming a substantial gathering in the global financial industry following the annual meetings of the World Bank and IMF. Continuously growing since its establishment and guided by the motto "Growing Together", Khan Bank leads the industry with robust financial performance, pioneering digital transition and offering online loan packages, green loans, the regular improvement of products and services, and a strong sustainable development policy. The Banker emphasized that Khan Bank was honored this year in recognition of setting trends in the Mongolian banking industry.
Securing the most prestigious award in the international banking and finance sector is the result of the collective efforts and mutual trust of the entire Khan Bank team and all of the customers who trust in and cooperate with us. We extend our gratitude to all our dear customers and partners who have contributed to our shared success.
Growing Together - Khan Bank