Total operational expenditure of Ministry of Road and Transport is set at MNT 9 billion 540.3 million in 2017. Of which 701.2 million will be funded from projects, which will be implemented by the foreign loan and aid. The Government of Mongolia will finance the remaining operational expenditure of MNT 8 billion 839.1 million.
Total operational expenditure of Ministry of Road and Transport decreased by 3 percent or MNT 325.6 million compared to the 2016 budget. In 2017, the Government has planned to move major rail projects that are stuck. In regards, railways to connect Tavantolgoi to Gashuunsuhait is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2018.
The construction will start to continue from April, 2017. Currently, 51 percent of the Tavatolgoi-Gashuunsuhait railway has completed and it has stuck due to financial issue.
In 2012, ICOM Australia started the railway construction in 2012 on the 1520 mm gauge. However, Government of Mongolia discussed the measurement between two rail lines and decided to construct this railway on the 1435 mm gauge.
Total operational expenditure of Ministry of Road and Transport is set at MNT 9 billion 540.3 million in 2017. Of which 701.2 million will be funded from projects, which will be implemented by the foreign loan and aid. The Government of Mongolia will finance the remaining operational expenditure of MNT 8 billion 839.1 million.
Total operational expenditure of Ministry of Road and Transport decreased by 3 percent or MNT 325.6 million compared to the 2016 budget. In 2017, the Government has planned to move major rail projects that are stuck. In regards, railways to connect Tavantolgoi to Gashuunsuhait is expected to be commissioned by the end of 2018.
The construction will start to continue from April, 2017. Currently, 51 percent of the Tavatolgoi-Gashuunsuhait railway has completed and it has stuck due to financial issue.
In 2012, ICOM Australia started the railway construction in 2012 on the 1520 mm gauge. However, Government of Mongolia discussed the measurement between two rail lines and decided to construct this railway on the 1435 mm gauge.