Mongolian Photographer: Hishigtogtohiin Tushig usually delivers Mongolian photographers works as series. This time, we featured photographer H.Tushig, who captures mainly nature and city night. 

Eventhough  he was majored in marketing, he has spent three years for working as photographer. He works during day time so that  he has spare time to spend on capturing photos during just night time, which led him to become the night photographer. "I have spent many sleepless night" said H.Tushig. There is only one tallest building left that he is yet to visit. That is the "Shangri-La. "I will visit Shangri-La tonight" he stated and it proves how much loyal he is to photography world.

If you want to watch more of his works, please visit at his Facebook page. usually delivers Mongolian photographers works as series. This time, we featured photographer H.Tushig, who captures mainly nature and city night. 

Eventhough  he was majored in marketing, he has spent three years for working as photographer. He works during day time so that  he has spare time to spend on capturing photos during just night time, which led him to become the night photographer. "I have spent many sleepless night" said H.Tushig. There is only one tallest building left that he is yet to visit. That is the "Shangri-La. "I will visit Shangri-La tonight" he stated and it proves how much loyal he is to photography world.

If you want to watch more of his works, please visit at his Facebook page.

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