Exploration licenses for the common minerals on the 39 areas of Capital City vicinity have been issued to 37 entities.
The authorities have warned the entities that remediation is mandatory after the exploration activities.
Last year the authorities have received exploration license applications on 86 areas within the city visinity from the 66 entities to explore for the common minerals used in construction sector, such as sand, gravel, brick mud, trap, granite.
After strick filtering of the applications authorities have granted licenses for exploration activities as follows: 1- Bagakhangai, 1-Bayanzurkh, 9-Nalaikh, 8-Sonignokhairkhan, 20-Khan-Uul districts respectably.
Exploration licenses for the common minerals on the 39 areas of Capital City vicinity have been issued to 37 entities.
The authorities have warned the entities that remediation is mandatory after the exploration activities.
Last year the authorities have received exploration license applications on 86 areas within the city visinity from the 66 entities to explore for the common minerals used in construction sector, such as sand, gravel, brick mud, trap, granite.
After strick filtering of the applications authorities have granted licenses for exploration activities as follows: 1- Bagakhangai, 1-Bayanzurkh, 9-Nalaikh, 8-Sonignokhairkhan, 20-Khan-Uul districts respectably.