This year marks the 30th anniversary of "Khumuun Bichig" newspaper published by the Montsame Agency, and 25th anniversary of the competition “Foremost Traditional Script Writers of Mongolia”.
On the occasion of these anniversaries, certificates and badges were presented to the champions of the competition “Foremost Traditional Script Writers of Mongolia”. It is the national contest which is traditionally held by the newspaper "Khumuun Bichig", and it has been held continuously since 1997. It's a national competition that offers the top prizes, including four years of university tuition for students and a trip abroad for adults.
B.Elbegzaya, Editor of “Khumuun Bichig” newspaper, said:
-By 2025, the Mongolian script will be the state script. "Khumuun Bichig" newspaper supports this government policy, and aims to teach Mongolian script to more and more people.
"Khumuun Bichig" newspaper is the only newspaper in Mongolia that is published in Mongolian script. About 80% of our newspaper readers are students. All issues of the newspaper "Khumuun Bichig" are stored in the National Library of Mongolia.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of "Khumuun Bichig" newspaper published by the Montsame Agency, and 25th anniversary of the competition “Foremost Traditional Script Writers of Mongolia”.
On the occasion of these anniversaries, certificates and badges were presented to the champions of the competition “Foremost Traditional Script Writers of Mongolia”. It is the national contest which is traditionally held by the newspaper "Khumuun Bichig", and it has been held continuously since 1997. It's a national competition that offers the top prizes, including four years of university tuition for students and a trip abroad for adults.
B.Elbegzaya, Editor of “Khumuun Bichig” newspaper, said:
-By 2025, the Mongolian script will be the state script. "Khumuun Bichig" newspaper supports this government policy, and aims to teach Mongolian script to more and more people.
"Khumuun Bichig" newspaper is the only newspaper in Mongolia that is published in Mongolian script. About 80% of our newspaper readers are students. All issues of the newspaper "Khumuun Bichig" are stored in the National Library of Mongolia.