France refuses to invest in TT Power Plant Project

France refuses to invest in TT Power Plant Project

Process of Tavan Tolgoi (TT) Power Plant Project was introduced to the Prime Minister today and MP M.Enhsaihan delivered negative and positive news to PM.

The negative was that the Government of France has decided not to make an investment to all projects affiliated to the coal. In order to implement the decision of its Government, France announced to quit from TT Power Plant Project. Currently, two Japanese companies and POSCO Energy of Korea left for that project as investors.

United Nations Climate Change Conference will be be held in France on November. In scope of this event, France has started to take such actions.

However, the positive was that as one of the biggest investor to OT, Turquoise Hill has released the financial guarantee worth of up to US$ 1 billion to help raising funds for TT Power Plant Project.

Process of Tavan Tolgoi (TT) Power Plant Project was introduced to the Prime Minister today and MP M.Enhsaihan delivered negative and positive news to PM.

The negative was that the Government of France has decided not to make an investment to all projects affiliated to the coal. In order to implement the decision of its Government, France announced to quit from TT Power Plant Project. Currently, two Japanese companies and POSCO Energy of Korea left for that project as investors.

United Nations Climate Change Conference will be be held in France on November. In scope of this event, France has started to take such actions.

However, the positive was that as one of the biggest investor to OT, Turquoise Hill has released the financial guarantee worth of up to US$ 1 billion to help raising funds for TT Power Plant Project.


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