Great Gobi Camel Festival 2015 was held in Altai city, Gobi-Altai province. The event is organized with the goal to improve camel breed, to increase number of camels, to exchange views on camel herding and to promote camel culture to the public. Over 400 camel riders from Gobi-Altia, Khovd, Umnugobi, and Bayankhongor attended the festival.
Camel herders J.Tumurbat, B.Zandankhuu, D.Batchuluun, Yu.Togtokh and V.Khadbaatar were honored by Ministry of Agriculture for their contributions to increasing the number of camel.
The festival has been organized annually since 2005.
Говь-Алтай, Ховд, Өмнөговь, Баянхонгор аймгийн 400 гаруй тэмээчин, 600 гаруй тэмээ оролцсон Их наадам Монгол улсын 17 дахь Ерөнхий сайд асан, Төр нийгмийн нэрт зүтгэлтэн П.Жасрай агсаны гэрэлт хөшөөнд цэцэг өргөж, хүндэтгэл үзүүлснээр эхэлсэн юм.
Great Gobi Camel Festival 2015 was held in Altai city, Gobi-Altai province. The event is organized with the goal to improve camel breed, to increase number of camels, to exchange views on camel herding and to promote camel culture to the public. Over 400 camel riders from Gobi-Altia, Khovd, Umnugobi, and Bayankhongor attended the festival.
Camel herders J.Tumurbat, B.Zandankhuu, D.Batchuluun, Yu.Togtokh and V.Khadbaatar were honored by Ministry of Agriculture for their contributions to increasing the number of camel.
The festival has been organized annually since 2005.
Говь-Алтай, Ховд, Өмнөговь, Баянхонгор аймгийн 400 гаруй тэмээчин, 600 гаруй тэмээ оролцсон Их наадам Монгол улсын 17 дахь Ерөнхий сайд асан, Төр нийгмийн нэрт зүтгэлтэн П.Жасрай агсаны гэрэлт хөшөөнд цэцэг өргөж, хүндэтгэл үзүүлснээр эхэлсэн юм.