Although Dunjingarav 2015 race was scheduled to be on 3rd of new year (February 21) it has been postponed to February 26th (8th day of new year) due to the weather conditions.
Horse Racing Committee has met on February 21 and decided to postpone the Dunjingarav race.
According to the Wether Forecast it is expected to be -7C on Thursday in Ulaanbaatar.
Although Dunjingarav 2015 race was scheduled to be on 3rd of new year (February 21) it has been postponed to February 26th (8th day of new year) due to the weather conditions.
Horse Racing Committee has met on February 21 and decided to postpone the Dunjingarav race.
According to the Wether Forecast it is expected to be -7C on Thursday in Ulaanbaatar.