Grain harvest is at 46.2%

Grain harvest is at 46.2%

Grain harvest is at 46.2 percent, potato harvest is at 85.1 percent and vegetable harvest is at 83.1 percent in nationwide, reported by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

More than 650 students and 950 soldiers are working for harvest.

This year, total of 512.3 thousand hectares of land were cultivated, of which 389.3 thousand hectares to grain, 360.7 thousand hectares to wheat, 12.5 thousand hectares to potatoes, 7.1 thousand hectares to vegetables, 78.5 thousand hectares to oil plants, 19.5 thousand hectares to fodder plants and 5.4 thousand hectares to medicinal herb were sown respectively.

As of October 06, 114.2 thousand grain from 137.2 thousand hectares of land, 129.4 thousand potatoes from 10.3 thousand hectares of land and 58.5 thousand vegetables from 5.3 thousand hectares of land were harvested.


Grain harvest is at 46.2 percent, potato harvest is at 85.1 percent and vegetable harvest is at 83.1 percent in nationwide, reported by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

More than 650 students and 950 soldiers are working for harvest.

This year, total of 512.3 thousand hectares of land were cultivated, of which 389.3 thousand hectares to grain, 360.7 thousand hectares to wheat, 12.5 thousand hectares to potatoes, 7.1 thousand hectares to vegetables, 78.5 thousand hectares to oil plants, 19.5 thousand hectares to fodder plants and 5.4 thousand hectares to medicinal herb were sown respectively.

As of October 06, 114.2 thousand grain from 137.2 thousand hectares of land, 129.4 thousand potatoes from 10.3 thousand hectares of land and 58.5 thousand vegetables from 5.3 thousand hectares of land were harvested.



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