Session agenda for Oct 27 at Government Building

Session agenda for Oct 27 at Government Building

1.Justice Standing Committee meeting at 09AM.


  • Amendments to law on 2015 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2015 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2015 Social Insurance Fund
  • Annul the some articles of Law on the Court, annul the some articles of law on legal status of judges, annul the some articles of law on Prosecutor's Office, annun the law on anti-corruption, amendments to law on police, amendments to law on state registration, amendments to law on rehabilitation of victims of false political cases, draft resolution of State Great Hural on determining the amount of wages for the judges
  • Other

2. State Structure Standing Commitee meeting at 09AM.


  • Amendments to draft law on Government`s Act, amendments to draft Law on Mongolian Administrative and Territorial Unit and its Administration, amendments to draft law on Automated Election System, amendments to draft law on state audit, draft law on the structure of the Government, draft law on Government members, draft law on annulment of the Law on the Cabinet members and law on structure of the Government, draft resolution of State Great Hural on approval of general scheme for state administrative organization`s system and strucuture
  • Amendments to law on 2016 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2016 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2016 Social Insurance Fund

3. Budget Expenditure Control Sub-Committee meeting at 10AM.


  • Amendments to law on 2015 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2015 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2015 Social Insurance Fund

4. Secutiry and Foreign Policy Standing Committee meeting at 02PM.


  • Amendments to law on 2016 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2016 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2016 Social Insurance Fund
  • In scope of draft law on the status of permanent neutrality, amendments to draft law on Celebrating Public Festivals and Memorable Days, draft resolutions of State Great Hural on amendments to annex of resolution on approval of Mongolian Foreign Policy Concept and amendments to annex of resolution on approval of Mongolian National Security Concept
  • Draft law on joining the European Convention on Extradition
  • To establish working group

5. Buidget Standing Committee meeting at 03PM.


  • Amendments to law on budget, amendments to law on special taxes, amendments to law on debt management, annul the some articles of civil service law, amendments to law on preventing the conflict of interest in the public service, amendments to law on Government of Mongolia, amendments to law on anti-corruption, amendments to law on science and technology, amendment to draft law on consession, draft resolution of State Great Hural on approval of general scheme for state administrative organization`s system and strucuture
  • Operation report for 2015 of the Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to draft law on 2016-2017 budget adjustment;

  • Amendments to law on 2015 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2015 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2015 Social Insurance Fund

1.Justice Standing Committee meeting at 09AM.


  • Amendments to law on 2015 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2015 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2015 Social Insurance Fund
  • Annul the some articles of Law on the Court, annul the some articles of law on legal status of judges, annul the some articles of law on Prosecutor's Office, annun the law on anti-corruption, amendments to law on police, amendments to law on state registration, amendments to law on rehabilitation of victims of false political cases, draft resolution of State Great Hural on determining the amount of wages for the judges
  • Other

2. State Structure Standing Commitee meeting at 09AM.


  • Amendments to draft law on Government`s Act, amendments to draft Law on Mongolian Administrative and Territorial Unit and its Administration, amendments to draft law on Automated Election System, amendments to draft law on state audit, draft law on the structure of the Government, draft law on Government members, draft law on annulment of the Law on the Cabinet members and law on structure of the Government, draft resolution of State Great Hural on approval of general scheme for state administrative organization`s system and strucuture
  • Amendments to law on 2016 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2016 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2016 Social Insurance Fund

3. Budget Expenditure Control Sub-Committee meeting at 10AM.


  • Amendments to law on 2015 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2015 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2015 Social Insurance Fund

4. Secutiry and Foreign Policy Standing Committee meeting at 02PM.


  • Amendments to law on 2016 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2016 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2016 Social Insurance Fund
  • In scope of draft law on the status of permanent neutrality, amendments to draft law on Celebrating Public Festivals and Memorable Days, draft resolutions of State Great Hural on amendments to annex of resolution on approval of Mongolian Foreign Policy Concept and amendments to annex of resolution on approval of Mongolian National Security Concept
  • Draft law on joining the European Convention on Extradition
  • To establish working group

5. Buidget Standing Committee meeting at 03PM.


  • Amendments to law on budget, amendments to law on special taxes, amendments to law on debt management, annul the some articles of civil service law, amendments to law on preventing the conflict of interest in the public service, amendments to law on Government of Mongolia, amendments to law on anti-corruption, amendments to law on science and technology, amendment to draft law on consession, draft resolution of State Great Hural on approval of general scheme for state administrative organization`s system and strucuture
  • Operation report for 2015 of the Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to draft law on 2016-2017 budget adjustment;

  • Amendments to law on 2015 Mongolian State Budget, Amendments to 2015 Budget Law for Human Development Fund, Amendments to Budget Law for 2015 Social Insurance Fund


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